Hoping more comments

As a blogger, A comments will give me encourage to write.  I feel, what I do, what I write have useful for someone, at least it become something that they read.  That’s why I feel very happy when someone give a comment or probably more on my posts. Almost every time I see a new comment on one of my post, I have new power to write a new post.
To get more comments, I have done many things. One of the first is making my blogger post page attach in the bottom of the post (like wordpress). I’m sure it makes the reader easier to post a comment. I hope it work.  After make the post page attached in the bottom of the post, I add a widget that show, who are the best commenter. It is based on the quantity of the comments they post. So if you want your name appear in the Best Commenter widget, please post many comments on my blog. It will not only make me happy and giving me a new spirit to write more post, but also it will make your page more popular. It is because the link to your page will be shown in this blog. 
Of course, if you give comment s in different accounts or anonymous, your commentswill not shown in this list. So if you want to become the best commenter you need to use the same accounts and name.
I’m waiting to your comments!


  1. Hai firend, kayaknya kita seopini, sepemikiran, dan seharapan nich, yaitu kita ingin hidup bermanfaat, dengan cara memanfaatkan blog, agar orang lain berkenan mengambil manfaat darinya.
    Ayo friend kita ramaikan dunia maya dengan seruan dakwah dan nilai-nilai Islam.
    Kalau ada kesempatan silahkan mampir di blog gue, "Sosiologi Dakwah" di http://sosiologidakwah.blogspot.com
    kalau mau ngelink atau ngikuti juga boleh.
    Thanks yaa...

  2. mantab pak Blognya.... kayakx aku mesti banyak belajar ma bapak nih =)

  3. uhuyyy,,, ki tak commment hellll

  4. Tulisan jaman jebot Jar.
    tapi gak popo, lek gak ngene blog ku gak enek pengunjung soko Prancis. hahaha


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