how difficult writing in English

I have tried so many time to write (Articles, blog, page, letter etc) in English (avenged of course writing in Indonesian is far more). But till now, i still feel difficult even tough I have forget (don't care) about my grammatical and spelling. For me the most difficult thing when writing in English is choosing the words, how it say in English. I'm sure, not only me (of course), writing is far more difficult than understanding a sentence or more. So, I think the point is not because our vocabulary is little, but because we not familiar or seldom to use our vocabulary.
And so, of course writing in English is need more time, for me writing one paragraph in English perhaps is equal to writing an articles or a page in Indonesian.
"We need to practice" that's the point.
One of my lecture, and I think his English is excellent (my opinion, because he have high score in "Word challenge "kind of word game in and also he have many international abroad experience) also have difficulties on writing in English. When I read his English blog, His English blog has sorter articles than his Indonesian blog.
This fact is encouraging me to write in English, At least giving me hope, that if I tried and taking more practice, I will be better, and I haven't late.
But now, when writing this blog, I still don't have enough confidence to write some controversial issue in English. I don't want to make the others miss understand about my opinion to some issue or thing that I have written.

I hope this will be useful for us, at least for me. thanks for your reading, and I waiting to your comment.


  1. walah,, opo iki ga' ngudeng ini bos...

    of course writing with english isn't dificultly but if you can uncerstand.. what an english

    you must study hard for this one.. ehm

    nyambng ga' ya??

  2. y eya lah..

    wis, semangat ae lho..

    i hope u can do it fast,,
    trus ganti pake bhs. arab, trus bhs. jepang..kan?!
    tp dongakno aq jg..


  3. just try it please....

    shorter posts dont mean he couldnt write in english as well as in indonesian but he might not know which good post should be written to attract others reading english version.


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Bhs Indonesia, Boso Jowo, English.... tidak masalah

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