Choosing Template for our blog

"What an annoying thing"

One of the hardest thing when we try to make a blog or moreover our page is choosing template. What color is best for my blog, what template,how to order, and others. It need so many time, I think almost half of our time when making blog. Not satisfied, is very common in choosing template. When we see our friend's blog which has better template will encourage us to find another better template. eventough sometimes it will make our blog become trobelsome. like, Making our widget and html scrip code not work or perhaps gone. or moreover our blog become unstable or error.

And now, I have changed my blog's template. I hope it is my final template, as I say, choosing template is annoying.And I don't want to find another template. I hope I like it, and you like it. I hope this template Make me more comfortable to bloggig and make you easier to read and increase your interest reading my blog.

As usual, your comment is everything for me. Your comments give me power to write a post. Make me happy and satisfied when looking at my Blog. Your comments also give me a new idea to write a new post.

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